Legal and Privacy Notice 法律與私隱聲明

PICS and Privacy Notice
1. Introduction 序言

This Personal Information Collection Statement and Privacy Notice sets out how Plouton Corporate Servicers Limited  (herein referred to as “PCSL”, “us”,  “we” or “our”) are data controllers and/or data processers (or data users) responsible for processing the personal data you provide to us.

PCSL is committed to managing personal data securely and effectively.  We will only keep the personal data required to undertake our business processes and will only share or transfer the data you provide us for the purposes outlined below.

Our data protection policy and procedures have been developed in line with the requirements of Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).  




2. What information do we collect and from whom 我們收集哪些資料及向誰收集?

We collect and process personal data about you when you interact with us, use our website, sign up to our newsletters or attend seminars and events, when you enter into an employment contract with us, submit an online job application and when you purchase services from us or agree to provide services to us.  We may also collect personal data about you in the course of managing our relationship with our clients. The personal data we process includes: 

  • your name
  • your home or work address, email address and/or phone number
  • your job title
  • your payment details, including billing addresses
  • information about you relevant to our provision of services, which could include information about your conduct, your beliefs, etc 
  • your IP address and information related to the browser or device you use to access our website and other analytics data
  • your username and password when accessing restricted website content
  • any other information you may provide, whether directly or indirectly.

We will store data that we receive from you or your related third parties, data that is publicly available and data from third parties such as conflict checking agencies.

The provision of personal data is generally voluntary unless otherwise specified. A failure to provide the requested personal data, or the provision of inaccurate or incomplete information, may result in us not being able to accept your instruction, request or enquiry (as the case may be).

當閣下與我們互動、使用我們的網站、訂閱我們的業務通訊或參加研討會及活動、與我們簽訂僱傭合同、提交網上職位申請,以及選購我們的服務或同意向我們提供服務時,我們會收集並處理閣下的個人資料。 在我們管理客戶關係的過程中,我們亦可能收集了閣下的個人資料。我們處理的個人資料包括:

  • 閣下的姓名
  • 閣下的家庭或工作地址、電郵地址及/或電話號碼
  • 閣下的職位名稱
  • 閣下的付款資料,包括賬單地址
  • 在我們提供服務時,關於閣下的相關資料,其中可能包括有關閣下的行為、信仰等資料
  • 閣下的互聯網通訊協定(IP)地址,閣下在瀏覽本網站時所使用的瀏覽器或設備的有關資料及其他分析數據
  • 閣下在瀏覽受限制網站的內容時,釆用的用戶名稱及密碼
  • 閣下可能直接或間接提供的任何其他資料。


除非另行說明,否則提供個人資料一般屬自願性質。 如所要求的個人資料未獲提供,或所提供的資料屬不準確或不完整,均可能導致我們無法受理閣下的指示、請求或查詢(視情況而定)。

3. How do we use this information and what is the legal basis for this use 我們如何使用有關資料及其法律依據是甚麼?

We process the personal data listed in paragraph 2 above for the following purposes:

  • as required to establish and fulfill a contract with you, for example, if you enter into an agreement to provide or receive services, or if you seek to be employed or engaged by us. This may include verifying your identity, undertaking credit & due diligence checks, billing and payments, communicating with you and arranging the delivery or other provision of products or services. We require this information in order to enter into a contract with you and are unable to do so without it;
  • to comply with applicable law and regulation;
  • in accordance with our legitimate interests in managing and protecting PCSL’s business interests and legal rights including but not limited to use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, credit & due diligence checks and investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation);
  • for the provision of services to our clients in accordance with the legitimate interests of our clients and PCSL;
  • to manage our relationship with you, in accordance with our legitimate interests;
  • to manage risk for PCSL;
  • to respond to any comments or complaints we may receive from you, and/or in accordance with our legitimate interests including to investigate any complaints received from you or from others, about our website or our services;
  • we may use information you provide to personalise (i) our communications to you; (ii) our website; and (iii) products or services for you, in accordance with our legitimate interests;
  • to monitor use of our websites and online services and we may use your information to help us check, improve, promote and protect our products, content, services and websites, both online and offline, in accordance with our legitimate interests; we may also use third parties to assist us in carrying out customer credit & due diligence checks in accordance with our requirements under relevant anti-money laundering regulations;
  • in circumstances where you contact us by telephone, calls may be recorded for quality, training and security purposes, in accordance with our legitimate interests; and
  • we may use your information to invite you to take part in market research or surveys, where you have consented to us doing so.

We will not use your personal data to carry out or facilitate direct marketing activities without your prior consent.


  • 根據要求與閣下制定及履行合同而需要取得有關資料,例如閣下在簽訂協議同意提供或獲取服務,或閣下希望受僱或受聘於我們時,我們需要取得一些資料,有關資料可能用於核實閣下的身份、進行信用及盡職審查、開具發票及付款、聯絡閣下及安排交付或提供其他產品或服務。 為了與閣下簽訂合同,我們需要這些資料;若沒有這些資料,我們便無法與閣下簽訂合同;
  • 遵守適用的法律法規;
  • 根據我們的合法權益,管理及保障卓展企業的商業利益及法律權利,有關資料的相關用途包括但不限於法律索賠、合規、監管、信用及盡職審查,和作調查用(包括與法律程序或訴訟有關的資料披露);
  • 根據我們客戶及卓展企業的合法權益,為我們的客戶提供服務;
  • 根據我們的合法權益,管理我們與閣下的關係;
  • 管理卓展企業的風險;
  • 回應我們可能收到閣下對我們網站或服務的任何意見或投訴,和/或根據我們的合法權益,調查任何閣下或其他人士提出的相關投訴;
  • 根據我們的合法權益,我們可能使用閣下提供的資料,對(i) 我們與閣下的通訊內容;(ii) 我們的網站;及(iii) 提供予閣下的產品或服務,進行個性化的設定;
  • 監控我們網站及線上服務的使用情況,根據我們的合法權益,我們可能使用閣下的資料,協助我們在線上及離線進行檢測、改進、推廣及防護我們的產品、內容、服務及網站;根據相關反洗黑錢法規對我們的規定,我們亦可能會聘用第三方協助我們對客戶進行信用及盡職審查;
  • 根據我們的合法權益,若閣下透過電話與我們聯繫,為保證服務質素、作為培訓及保安用途,我們可能對來電進行錄音;及
  • 在取得閣下同意的情況下,我們可能會使用閣下的資料,邀請閣下參加市場研究或調查。


4. With whom and where will we share your personal data 我們將與誰及在甚麼情況下分享閣下的個人資料?

PCSL may share your personal data with other member firms of Plouton Capital Group Limited (herein referred as “PCGL”) for the purposes of proper and effective management of their businesses.  Such purposes include ensuring compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

We may also share the personal data you provide with the below third parties where this is necessary for legal or regulatory reasons, or in order to provide our services to you or our clients and undertake our business processes:

  • our professional advisors such as our auditors and external legal and financial advisors
  • our suppliers, business partners and sub-contractors
  • government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law or if needed for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws
  • to entities providing feedback and ranking services.

Personal data may also be shared with third party service providers who will process it on behalf of PCGL for the purposes above. 

In the event that our business or any part of it is sold or integrated with another business, your details will be disclosed to our advisers and those of any prospective purchaser and will be passed to the new owners of the business.



  • 我們的專業顧問,例如我們的核數師和外聘的法律及財務顧問
  • 我們的供應商、業務夥伴及次承判商
  • 政府機關及/或執法人員(如屬上述理由要求的、如受法律強制指令的,或為遵從適用的法例而須保障我們的合法權益時)
  • 提供反饋及排名服務的機構



5. How long will you keep my personal data 卓展企業會保存我的個人資料多久?

We will not keep your personal data for any purpose(s) for longer than is necessary and we will only retain the relevant personal data that is necessary in relation to the purpose. We are also required to retain certain information by law or if it is reasonably necessary to meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions.

In the case of any contact you may have with our complaints team, we will retain those details for as long as is necessary to resolve your query and for up to 6 months after the query is closed.

We may retain your data for a short time beyond the specified retention period, to allow for information to be reviewed and any disposal to take place.

我們將不會就任何目的,把閣下的個人資料保存超過其被使用目的所需的時間,我們只會保留與使用目的必要且相關的個人資料。 此外,我們還須按法律規定,或在合理必要的情況下,為達到監管要求、解決爭議、防止欺詐及濫用,或執行我們的條款及細則而須保留若干個人資料。



6. Where is my data stored 我的資料儲存在哪裏?

The personal data that we collect from you may be stored on a mix of PCSL and various cloud provider platforms and may be transferred and stored both within and outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).  It may also be processed by staff operating within or outside the HKSAR who work for us, a member of PCGL or for one of our suppliers.

Where such transfers occur, we ensure the confidentiality and protection of all data is preserved through compliance with legal requirements and the current data protection legislation. This is managed by all members of PCGL, including those outside of the HKSAR, by various means. Data encryption, integrity and confidentiality are enforced by following best practice. PCSL also ensures that cryptographic controls are implemented following industry best practice, through the use of VPN tunnels, TLS and by conducting regular testing.

我們向閣下收集的個人資料可能被存放於卓展企業及多個雲端服務供應商的平台,並可能在香港特別行政區(香港特區)內外轉移及儲存。 該個人資料亦可能由為我們、卓展資本或我們的服務供應商的工作人員,在香港特區內外處理。

在進行有關資料轉移時,我們透過遵守法律規定及現行數據保障規例,確保維護所有資料的保密性及保障,並由卓展資本的所有成員所(包括香港特區內外的成員所)以多種方式管理,並以最佳準則實行數據加密,加強其完整性及保密性。 卓展企業亦遵循業界最佳準則,使用VPN (虛擬專用網絡) 通道、TLS(傳輸層安全性)及定期測試,確保執行加密控制。

7. What are my rights in relation to my personal data 我就個人資料享有哪些權利 ?

You have the right to request access, with some exceptions, to the personal data that we hold about you, update or correct your details, opt out of receiving other information from PCSL or request that your personal details are deleted from our systems at any time by e-mailing [email protected]. We will treat all such requests in accordance with applicable local law and where it is practical and commercially feasible. We may charge a fee for your request to access your information, if permitted by applicable law.

Where you have provided your data to us and it is processed by automated means, you may be able to request that we provide it to you in a structured, machine readable format.

If you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, you may be able to ask us to restrict how we use your personal data while your complaint is resolved. In some circumstances you can ask us to erase your personal data if you withdraw your consent, it is no longer necessary for us to use your personal data, you object to the use of your personal data and we don’t have a good reason to continue to use it, or we haven’t handled your personal data in accordance with our obligations.

除若干情況外,閣下有權通過發送電郵至[email protected],隨時要求取得我們持有關於閣下的個人資料,更新或更正閣下的詳細資料,拒絕接收卓展企業發出的其他信息或要求從我們的系統刪除閣下的個人資料。 我們將根據適用的當地法律規定,在實際上和商業上是可行的情形下,處理所有該相關要求。若適用法律允許,我們處理訪問個人資訊的要求時可能收取費用。


如果閣下對我們如何處理閣下的個人資料提出投訴,閣下可以在投訴獲處理後,要求限制我們如何使用閣下的個人資料。 在若干情況下,若閣下撤回我們處理閣下個人資料的同意,閣下可要求我們刪除閣下的個人資料,我們再無需要使用閣下的個人資料;基於閣下反對我們使用閣下的個人資料,我們既無充分理由繼續使用有關資料,亦無須按我們的義務處理閣下的個人資料。

8. Where can I find more information about how PCSL handles my data 我在哪裏可以找到有關卓展企業如何處理我的資料的更多信息?

If you have any queries please email us at [email protected] or write to us at the following address:

Compliance Department

Plouton Corporate Services Limited

1713B-14, 17/F, Hong Kong Plaza,

188 Connaught Road West Central, Hong Kong


This Personal Information Collection Statement and Privacy Notice may be amended from time to time.

閣下如有任何疑問,敬請發送電郵至 [email protected] 或致函至下列地址:



卓展企業服務有限公司 – 合規部


Website Terms and Conditions

This Website (the “Website”) and its contents are owned (unless indicated otherwise) by Plouton Corporate Services Limited, a private limited company registered in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”). The registered address of Plouton Corporate Services Limited is 1713B-14, 17/F, Hong Kong Plaza, 188 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong. Reference to “PCSL”, “we”, “our”, “us” in these terms and conditions and elsewhere in this Website is to Plouton Corporate Services Limited.

本網站(以下簡稱「網站」)及其內容由卓展企業服務有限公司 (一家在中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(以下簡稱「香港」)註冊的私人有限公司) 所擁有(另行說明除外)。卓展企業服務有限公司的註冊地址為香港西環干諾道西188號香港商業中心17樓1713B-1714室。 本網站使用條款及細則與本網站內其他部分所提及「卓展企業」或「我們」泛指卓展企業服務有限公司。

1. Using the Website 使用本網站

By using our Website, you are deemed to have accepted the following terms and conditions. If you do not want to be legally bound by these terms and conditions, please do not access or use the Website. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and you are advised to review these terms regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes. Your continued use of the Website after such changes are posted will be deemed agreement on your part to these terms and conditions as amended.


2. Intellectual property 知識產權

2.1    Copyright and all intellectual property rights in the content of the Website are vested in Plouton Corporate Services Limited and reserved, unless indicated otherwise. The content of the Website belongs to Plouton Corporate Services Limited, unless indicated otherwise. You may use the content of the Website subject to the following conditions: (a) it is used for information purposes only; (b) it is used only for your own personal, non-commercial use; and (c) any copies or downloads of any content from the Website must include a notice that copyright in the relevant material is owned by Plouton Corporate Services Limited.

        除另行說明外,本網站內容的版權及所有知識產權,均屬卓展企業服務有限公司擁有及保留。 除非另有說明,網站內容亦歸卓展企業服務有限公司所有。閣下可使用網站的內容,惟須受以下條件規限:(a) 僅用作參考用途;(b)僅用於閣下本人個人的非商業用途;及(c) 任何於網站複製或下載的內容必須同時聲明相關材料的版權屬卓展企業服務有限公司所有。

2.2    Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained on this Website should be construed as conferring any licence or right to use any trademark or copyright of PCSL or any third party.


3. Submission of comments/contributions to the Website and PCSL's blogs 向卓展企業網站及網誌提交意見/稿件

3.1    You may submit comments to PCSL, including without limitation for publication on our Blogs.


3.2    Any comments submitted in connection with our Blogs are submitted on the basis that we will review and may edit such comments prior to publication on the Website, and that not all submissions will be published. Publication is entirely at the discretion of PCSL. We accept no responsibility or liability in relation to the content of any material posted or published on this Website by third parties or in relation to contributions by third parties which we publish on the Website. You are entirely liable for all activities conducted by you or by others authorised by you or otherwise on your behalf.


3.3    If and to the extent that you submit any personal data (such as your name and email address) to PCSL through the Blogs, PCSL confirms that it will only use any such personal data for the purposes for which you have provided it and in accordance with our “Legal & Privacy Statement” (which can be found here:

若閣下透過網誌向卓展企業提交任何個人資料(如閣下的姓名及電郵地址),卓展企業確認任何該等個人資料僅按閣下提供的用途及根據我們的「法律與私隱聲明」(可到 使用。

3.4    Any communications which we receive from you in connection with the Blogs and any material that you transmit or post or submit via this Website will be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary and we reserve the right to use the content of such communications for any purpose whatsoever. In relation to such contributions you grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to such work world-wide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content, consistent with the privacy restrictions set forth in the Website Privacy Statement. If you do not wish to grant such rights to PCSL please do not submit your contribution to this Web site. By submitting your contribution to this Website, you also:

我們收到閣下透過網誌提交的任何通訊內容,以及閣下透過本網站傳輸、發佈或提交的任何資料,均將被視為非機密及非專有,我們保留使用該等通訊內容作任何用途的權利。就閣下提交的稿件,閣下向我們授予永久、免付版稅、非專屬、可轉授的權利,允許我們在全球各地使用、複製、修改、改編、校訂、發佈該等稿件及行使所有相關的版權及宣傳權,及/或允許在目前已知或未來開發的任何媒體中合併該等作品與其他作品,同時遵守「網站私隱聲明」內列載的私隱權限制。 如閣下不願授予卓展企業該等權利,請不要提交稿件予本網站。當閣下向本網站提交稿件時,閣下亦:

3.4.1    warrant that such contribution is your own original work and that you have the right to make it available to us for all the purposes specified above;


3.4.2    warrant that such contribution is not defamatory, does not infringe the rights of any third party and does not infringe any law;


3.4.3    agree to use this Website only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this Website by any third party. Prohibited behaviour includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful or which may harass or cause distress to any person and the submission or transmission of content which is defamatory, abusive, obscene, offensive, pornographic, indecent, discriminatory, inflammatory, in breach of confidence or privacy or which in the opinion of PCSL may cause offence to any person or damage our reputation. You must not use any abusive or aggressive language, swear, threaten, harass or abuse any other person, including other users;


3.4.4    agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless PCSL against any claim, liability, cost, damage, or loss we may incur (including without limitation legal fees) as a result of any violation by you of the provisions set out in this clause 3; and


3.4.5    agree to waive any moral rights in your contribution for the purposes of its submission to and publication on the Website and other purposes specified above.


3.5    You must not intentionally violate any laws, rules or regulations.


3.6    No user must post nor recommend any other Website nor refer to specific URLs (website addresses) where those linked websites would infringe any of the above provisions. No user must post any advertisement on the Website.

任何用戶不得發佈或推薦任何會違反上述任何條文的其他網站,亦不得引用該等特定URL (連接網址) 。任何用戶不得在網站上刊登任何廣告。

3.7    In using this Website, you agree not to impersonate another person or use a false name or a name you are unauthorised to use or create a false email address or try to mislead others as to the identity or origin of any communication.


3.8    You must not corrupt the site, flood the site with information so as to cause the site not to function or use anything which may affect the function of the site for example viruses, worms, logic bombs or similar. You must not interfere or tamper with, remove, delete or otherwise alter in any way, any information which is included on the Website.


3.9    PCSL reserves the right to fail any messages and/or remove any material whatsoever submitted to our Blogs or otherwise to the Website for any reason. PCSL will not notify the contributor of the material of such failure or removal.


3.10    PCSL reserves the right to take any action against any account or user, at any time, for any reason. We may at our discretion terminate your access to the Website or to the registration areas of the Website, or prevent you from submitting comments via the Website immediately and without giving you advance notice. If you engage in behaviour which breaches these terms and conditions, and we consider such behaviour to be serious and/or repeated, we may use whatever information is available to us to prevent further breaches. If your access to the Website or to registration areas of the Web site is terminated, you may not open another account with us or register again and we reserve the right to terminate any such account or cancel any such registration.


3.11    Should you have any complaint regarding any material published on the Website, you can notify us of the nature and details of your complaint by emailing [email protected]

閣下如對網站發佈的任何資料有任何投訴,閣下可發送電郵至[email protected],通知我們有關閣下投訴的類別及詳情。

4. Registration to the Website 於本網站登記

When you register, you are registering as a personal user of the Website and you must use your own identity. You are obliged to provide accurate and complete registration information. Registration is for a single user only. Your username and password are personal to you and may not be used by anyone else to gain access to areas restricted to registered users.


5. Disclaimer and limitation of liability 免責聲明及責任限制

5.1    This information on the Website has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms and should be seen as broad guidance only. The information cannot be relied upon to cover specific situations and you should not act, or refrain from acting, upon the information contained therein without obtaining specific professional advice. Please contact Plouton Corporate Services Limited at [email protected] to discuss these matters in the context of your particular circumstances. PCSL, its directors, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability or duty of care for any loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone in reliance on the information on the Website or for any decision based on it. 

本網站所載的內容經嚴格編撰,惟其乃按一般性條款編寫,僅可作概括性指引。該等資料並無涵蓋特定情況,閣下不應在未取得具體專業意見前,根據網站所載的資料,決定作出或不作出行動。根據閣下的具體情況,請閣下發送電郵至[email protected],聯絡卓展企業服務有限公司討論有關事宜。對任何人士因依賴網站資料而作出或不作出任何行動,或基於網站資料所作的任何決定而引致的任何損失,卓展企業、其董事、僱員及代理人概不接受或承擔任何責任或義務。

5.2    The content of this Website is intended to provide general guidance on matters of interest and about the services provided by PCSL. The content of this Website does not constitute, nor should it be relied upon as, professional advice. Please contact Plouton Corporate Services Limited for advice on any particular area of interest.


5.3    In preparing and maintaining this Website every effort has been made to ensure the content is up to date and accurate. However, law and regulations change continually and unintentional errors can occur and the information may be neither up to date nor accurate. PCSL makes no representation or warranty (including liability towards third parties), express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information published on this Website.


5.4    We cannot guarantee that the Website is free from viruses or malicious codes. You agree that it is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that your own information technology/equipment used to access the Website is protected against such viruses and/or codes.


5.5    Except for death or personal injury caused by negligent acts or omissions, PCSL accepts no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever (including but not limited to any indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or similar damages) arising as a result of any decision or action taken or refrained from as a result of information contained on the Website or other websites to which it may be linked, or as a result of your use or misuse of the Website.


5.6    Without prejudice to the generality of clause 3.4.4, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless PCSL against any claim, liability, cost, damage, or loss we may incur (including without limitation legal fees) as a result of any violation by you of your obligations under these terms and conditions.


6. Third party websites 第三方網站

This Website contains links to websites maintained by parties other than PCSL. These links are provided simply to increase the information available to you and we accept no responsibility or liability in respect of the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or lawfulness of the information contained on third party Websites. The inclusion of a link to a third party website does not constitute an endorsement or an indication of a joint venture, partnership or other legal arrangement not expressly stated between us and that third party.

本網站包含由非卓展企業維護的第三方網站連結,提供該等連結僅讓閣下獲得更多資訊,對於第三方網站內容的準確性、適時性、適合性或合法性,我們概不承擔任何責任或法律責任。 本網站内任何第三方的網站連結,均不構成我們與該等第三方存在任何明示或暗示的合營合資、合夥合作或其他的法律安排。

7. Privacy policy 私隱政策

Please refer to the Website Privacy Statement (which can be found here: if you require information in regards to PCSL’s policies governing the collection and use of your personal information. 

閣下如欲了解卓展企業收集及使用閣下個人資料的政策規管,請參閱網站內的私隱聲明(可到 網頁瀏覽)。

8. Severability 可分割性

If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.


9. Governing law and jurisdiction 規管法律及司法管轄

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. As this Website can be visited from locations around the world with different laws from those of Hong Kong, when you access the Website you agree that the laws of Hong Kong will apply to all matters relating to your use of the Website. You and we also agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts with respect to such matters. Notwithstanding this, we reserve the right to bring enforcement proceedings in any court or courts including, if appropriate, in the courts of your country of residence.

本使用條款及細則均受香港法律規管,並應根據其詮釋。由於世界各地均可瀏覽本網站,而其地法律與香港有別,當閣下瀏覽網站時,即表示閣下同意香港法律將適用於與閣下使用本網站有關的一切事宜。閣下與我們均同意,就與本網站有關的一切事宜,香港法院具專屬司法管轄權。 儘管有上述規定,我們保留權利向任何一個或多個法院(包括閣下原居國的法院(如適用))提起強制執行法律程序。


This web site is intended to provide general information on PCSL and the professional services and solutions provided by PCSL.

We gather information from users of this web site automatically and when you decide to provide us with information, for example, when you complete a form on This information is treated with confidence, and is only used by PCSL as per the terms of the Legal and Privacy Notice (

We may use “cookies” to keep, and sometimes track, information about you.


Cookies are small text files which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a web site or application. Your web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) then sends these cookies back to the web site or application on each subsequent visit so that they can recognise you and remember things like personalised details or user preferences. Cookies do not damage your system. You can reset your browser so as to refuse any cookie or to alert you to when a cookie is being sent.

To improve your experience and to make our service to you better we use cookies for the purposes of system administration and analytics of our web site. This gives us information about the number of visitors to different parts of our web site.

PCSL does not share this data with third parties. Our cookies do not store sensitive information such as your name or address, they simply just enable us to see behaviour on the web site to help us improve your experience. However, if you’d prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from, or any other web site, you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is different, so check the ‘Help’ menu of your particular browser (or your mobile phone’s handset manual) to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

How to control my cookies

There are various ways that you can control and manage your cookies which are discussed in more detail below. Please remember that any settings you change will not just affect cookies. These changes will apply to all web sites that you visit (unless you choose to block cookies from particular web sites).

Managing cookies in my browser

Most modern browsers may allow you to:

  • See what cookies you have and delete them on an individual basis
  • Block third party cookies
  • Block cookies from particular web sites
  • Block all cookies from being set
  • Delete all cookies when you close your browser

You should be aware that any preferences will be lost if you delete cookies. This includes where you have opted out from cookies, as this requires an opt-out cookie to be set. Also, if you block cookies completely many web sites will not work properly and some functionality on these web sites will not work at all.

Managing analytics cookies

It is possible to opt out of having your anonymised browsing activity within web sites recorded by analytics cookies. uses Google Analytics and you can opt out of their cookies by visiting the Google Analytics opt-out page. Please note that this will take you to Google Analytics’ web site and generate a ‘no thanks’ cookie, which will stop any further cookies being set by those third parties.


Last modified: 12 July 2020
